Title: GentleRain+: Making GentleRain Robust on Clock Anomalies
Abstract:Causal consistency is in an intermediate consistency model that can be achieved together with high availability and high performance requirements even in presence of network partitions. There are seve...Causal consistency is in an intermediate consistency model that can be achieved together with high availability and high performance requirements even in presence of network partitions. There are several proposals in the literature for causally consistent data stores. Thanks to the use of single scalar physical clocks, GentleRain has a throughput higher than other proposals such as COPS or Orbe. However, both of its correctness and performance relay on monotonic synchronized physical clocks. Specifically, if physical clocks go backward its correctness is violated. In addition, GentleRain is sensitive on the clock synchronization, and clock skew may slow write operations in GenlteRain. In this paper, we want to solve this issue in GenlteRain by using Hybrid Logical Clock (HLC) instead of physical clocks. Using HLC, GentleRain protocl is not sensitive on the clock skew anymore. In addition, even if clocks go backward, the correctness of the system is not violated. Furthermore, by HLC, we timestamp versions with a clock very close to the physical clocks. Thus, we can take causally consistency snapshot of the system at any give physical time. We call GentleRain protocol with HLCs GentleRain+. We have implemented GentleRain+ protocol, and have evaluated it experimentally. GentleRain+ provides faster write operations compare to GentleRain that rely solely on physical clocks to achieve causal consistency. We have also shown that using HLC instead of physical clock does not have any overhead. Thus, it makes GentleRain more robust on clock anomalies at no cost.Read More