Title: Dějiny středověké a raněnovověké vzdělanosti v českém historickém výzkumu: Tradice – aktuální trendy – perspektivy
Abstract:The aim of this contribution is to bring a systematic overview of the development of Czech historical research pertaining to the history of education in pre-modern era, especially in the fourteenth to...The aim of this contribution is to bring a systematic overview of the development of Czech historical research pertaining to the history of education in pre-modern era, especially in the fourteenth to eighteenth century. Within a broader European context, the authors investigate both local research traditions and current trends influenced by the subjects of research and new methods in international historiography or related social sciences and humanities. From the perspective of analysing directions of research in the history of pre-modern education, the article charts several approaches adopted especially in scientific production of the past two decades. In its concluding part, this contribution formulates some potential subjects of further research and outlines methodological approaches suitable for dealing with them.Read More