Title: Ethnic education as a fundamental element in Afro-Colombian communities
Abstract:Although Colombian law includes several regulations about ethnic education, in reality teachers do not receive any support or concrete guidelines, neither in the curricular charts nor in the instituti...Although Colombian law includes several regulations about ethnic education, in reality teachers do not receive any support or concrete guidelines, neither in the curricular charts nor in the institutional educational projects. Thus, it becomes urgent to propose an educational policy that leads to creating the conditions and possibilities for ethnic education, one that recognizes the history of Afro-Colombian identity. An Afro-Colombian ethnic education implies developing a twofold public and educational policy: on the one hand, developing educational services in communities of African descent with quality, relevance, and leadership; and on the other hand, teaching about Afro-Colombian identity through Afro-Colombian studies in the school system, to achieve true educational development in Afro-Colombian communities and people, so that education becomes an engine for transformation and change, for the elimination of carimba, and for the upward mobility of Afro-Colombian communities and people.Read More