Title: Lecturers’ and Students’ Perception about Peer Assessment Practice: Benefits for Collaborative Works
Abstract:Recently classroom’s peer assessment has strategic roles to be considered as an attempt in bridging students’ collaboration works during writing course and recognizing their academic achievement while...Recently classroom’s peer assessment has strategic roles to be considered as an attempt in bridging students’ collaboration works during writing course and recognizing their academic achievement while potentially conducting peer assessment practice. This study empirically records and investigates 5 writing lecturers’ and 82 undergraduate students’ perception about peer assessment practice as an alternative assessment from Tidar University of Magelang and Widya Dharma University, Klaten, Central Java. Research sampling applied the simple random sampling technique. Data analysis are carried out by SPSS program and examined quantitatively by applying descriptive statistics based on the questionnaire data. The findings indicate that there are nine indicators ranking on the significant level and the most significant indicator relates to students’ competence matter above the delivered learning themes, where mean (M) is 3.80 and standard deviation (SD) value is .447 based on the writing lecturers’ perception. Meanwhile, there are 75.6% or 62 of English education undergraduate students perceive that peer assessment has granted their writing contribution through the collaboration works, in which there are twelve supporting indicators available to strengthen the participants during their writing collaboration works. Overall, students’ perception about peer assessment practice contributes participation during its implementation, where mean (M) is 3.51 and standarddeviation (SD) is .599.Read More