Title: The Impact of Peer Learning on Improving Feedback & Reflection in the Interpreting Course
Abstract:Practice, feedback and reflection are the most important elements in achieving interpreting competence. In the traditional classroom teaching, large number of students and limited class hours make it ...Practice, feedback and reflection are the most important elements in achieving interpreting competence. In the traditional classroom teaching, large number of students and limited class hours make it almost impossible for the teacher to ensure each student enough opportunities to do interpreting practice and get personalized feedback. Peer learning activities were designed and conducted to solve this difficulty. This study reports the effectiveness of peer learning on improving feedback and reflection in the interpreting course. It is found through questionnaire and interview that peer feedback enhances learning as students were actively engaged in articulating evolving understandings of the interpreting process. Peer-assessment also helps students think more deeply and develop important cognitive skills such as critical thinking and self-reflection. Therefore, the outcome of this study is to propose peer learning strategies in improving feedback and reflection in the interpreting course.Read More