Title: 21210 Study on slurry degradation factors during Cu-CMP
Abstract:In our study, degradation factors of slurry to determine the polishing performance were evaluated by analysis of the slurry parameters such as pH, ORP and conductivity after the polishing Cu-CMP proce...In our study, degradation factors of slurry to determine the polishing performance were evaluated by analysis of the slurry parameters such as pH, ORP and conductivity after the polishing Cu-CMP process. From the experiment results, relationship between the parameters of the slurry and polishing performance were investigated. To control the slurry parameters such as pH and ORP, the slurry additive such as KOH and oxidizing agent were mixed with the slurry. In this CMP experiment, pH was adjusted by pH 12 constant during polishing. Base on these results, we discuss about relationship between material removal rate and the slurry parameters.Read More