Title: Apathy is a syndrome of executive dysfunction that exists in patients with late-life depression
Abstract:Marin et al. (2003) have suggested that apathy may be independent of executive functions in older-aged patients with major depression, although the correlation between apathy and the “controlled oral ...Marin et al. (2003) have suggested that apathy may be independent of executive functions in older-aged patients with major depression, although the correlation between apathy and the “controlled oral word association test,” a test of executive measures, approached significance. However, Feil et al. (2003), using the same definition and measure of apathy, observed a strong correlation between apathy and both verbal and non-verbal executive cognitive measures. The question thus arises as to whether apathy contributes to executive cognitive dysfunction in non-demented patients with late-life depression. We therefore re-examined this issue, looking particularly at whether apathy distinctly affects executive control functions. Our hypothesis was that apathy would contribute to cognitive impairment in depressed elderly patients independently of the severity of depression.Read More