Title: The Nutritive Value of Cottonseed for Chicks as Affected by Methods of Processing and Content of Pigment Glands
Abstract:SINCE cottonseed meal was one of the first protein concentrates to be fed to livestock on a large scale, numerous investigations were published relative to its nutritive value before the importance of...SINCE cottonseed meal was one of the first protein concentrates to be fed to livestock on a large scale, numerous investigations were published relative to its nutritive value before the importance of balanced diets, and of vitamins, and other essential nutritional factors was recognized. Proper evaluation of cottonseed as a protein feed is rendered difficult by the mass of confusing and contradictory data which accumulated during the period of these early nutritional investigations. Numerous recent investigations have established the high nutritive value of hydraulic- and screw-pressed cottonseed meals produced by expression of the oil from cooked cottonseed. These cottonseed meals represent one of the most important sources of concentrated protein presently available to livestock feeders. The nutritive value of uncooked cottonseed has been established for beef cattle (Clark, 1936), but for other livestock it is generally believed (Olcott, 1941, 1942) that cooking is essential in order to obtain cottonseed meal . . .Read More