Title: Effect of the Addition of Cottonseed Lipids to Cottonseed Meal on Egg Discoloration
Abstract:Research reports have shown that Sterculia joetida oil (Kemmerer et al., 1961) and cottonseed oil (Kemmerer et al., 1962) enhanced gossypol discoloration in eggs. This property is attributed to the cy...Research reports have shown that Sterculia joetida oil (Kemmerer et al., 1961) and cottonseed oil (Kemmerer et al., 1962) enhanced gossypol discoloration in eggs. This property is attributed to the cyclopropenoid fatty acids contained in the two lipids. In these reports the cottonseed oil or Sterculia foetida oil were incorporated into diets, which contained soybean meal as the main source of protein but no cottonseed meal. Gossypol dissolved in corn oil was administered by capsule. The work here reported shows the effect of the addition of cottonseed lipids to rations containing cottonseed meal upon egg discoloration. The basal diets used contained approximately 23% soybean meal as the principal source of protein. For the tests two cottonseed meals were substituted at 10 and 20% levels for the soybean meals. Both of these contained less than 0.1% extractable lipids, 0.02% free gossypol and approximately 1% bound gossypol. For a positive control crystalline…Read More