Title: Cottonseed Meal Prepared by Different Methods for Broiler Rations
Abstract:THE use of cottonseed meal in broiler rations has been limited. Many commercially prepared cottonseed meals found on the market have been of low protein and high fiber content which, under present fee...THE use of cottonseed meal in broiler rations has been limited. Many commercially prepared cottonseed meals found on the market have been of low protein and high fiber content which, under present feeding practices, are generally unacceptable for broiler rations. The harmful effects of many cottonseed meals on the quality of stored eggs when used in laying rations has tended to discourage the use of cottonseed meal in all poultry rations. In recent years changes in methods of extracting cottonseed oil have occurred. A degossypolized solvent extracted cottonseed meal has been prepared by methods developed by the Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, and screw-press cottonseed meals have been prepared by various processors in cooperation with the Southern Regional Research Laboratory. These meals are prepared under conditions that should improve the nutritive value of the meals and reduce the free gossypol content. Limited quantities of these meals along with the normally produced …Read More