Title: In vitro Assessment of Fungicides against Alternaria alternata Causing Leaf Spot of Okra
Abstract:The present investigation was undertaken to test the efficacy of some promising fungicides for its effective management against leaf spot of okra under in vitro. Okra is affected by several fungal, ba...The present investigation was undertaken to test the efficacy of some promising fungicides for its effective management against leaf spot of okra under in vitro. Okra is affected by several fungal, bacterial, viral and nematode induced diseases. Alternaria alternata attacked old leaves and progress upwards. In initial stage of infection small, scattered, brown colored necrotic spots with concentric rings appeared on older leaves that later enlarged in size and these spots were accompanied by narrow chlorotic margins.Diseased stem and leaves of okra, showing characteristic symptoms of Alternaria blight were collected from the vegetable field of JNKVV, Jabalpur. Based on present investigation it could be concluded that among the Nine chemical fungicides namely Tebuconazole, Hexaconazole, Mencozeb, Copper oxychloride, Carbandazim, Thiram, Propiconazole, Copper oxychloride + Carbandazim and captan + Hexaconazole showed the best result with the maximum inhibition in growth of A. alternata was recorded by Propiconazole (100 %) followed by Tebuconazole (86.02 %) at all the concentrations. This finding will be greatly helpful to okra growers by integrating with different management strategies for the purpose of control of okra leaf spot of okra in field condition which may impart positive impact.Read More