Title: Laboratory testing of plant originated oils and oil cakes against the fungal pathogen Alternaria alternata - causative agent of leaf spot disease in Aloe vera
Abstract:In Aloe vera (L) Burn F. Syn.Aloe barbadensis (Miller), leaf spot disease caused by Alternaria alternata is a serious fungal disease.Management of the disease through fungicides alone lead to cause so...In Aloe vera (L) Burn F. Syn.Aloe barbadensis (Miller), leaf spot disease caused by Alternaria alternata is a serious fungal disease.Management of the disease through fungicides alone lead to cause soil residual problems and heatlth hazards, besides involving higher input cost.Hence, attempts were made to manage the disease using environment safer components like plant oils and oil cakes.In this present study, plant oils and oil cakes extract were screened against the fungus, among the oils and oil cakes Eucalyptus oil (2%) and Mahua cake extract (10%) were found superior in reducing the fungal growth.Read More