Title: Data on biodiversity of a boreal mire and its hydrographic network (Shichengskoe mire, North-Western Russia)
Abstract:This dataset provides current data on the biodiversity of Shichegskoe mire (Vologda region, North-Western Russia), including various mire sites and intra-mire water bodies. The data contain materials ...This dataset provides current data on the biodiversity of Shichegskoe mire (Vologda region, North-Western Russia), including various mire sites and intra-mire water bodies. The data contain materials on the diversity of Animalia (2886 occurrences), Bacteria (22), Chromista (256), Fungi (111), Plantae (2463), Protozoa (131). A total of 5869 occurrences (1249 lowerrank taxa and 109 taxa identified to the genus level) are included in the list.Read More