Title: Loop formulation of the supersymmetric nonlinear O(N) sigma model
Abstract:We derive the fermion loop formulation for the supersymmetric nonlinear O$(N)$ sigma model by performing a hopping expansion using Wilson fermions. In this formulation the fermionic contribution to th...We derive the fermion loop formulation for the supersymmetric nonlinear O$(N)$ sigma model by performing a hopping expansion using Wilson fermions. In this formulation the fermionic contribution to the partition function becomes a sum over all possible closed non-oriented fermion loop configurations. The interaction between the bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom is encoded in the constraints arising from the supersymmetry and induces flavour changing fermion loops. For $N \ge 3$ this leads to fermion loops which are no longer self-avoiding and hence to a potential sign problem. Since we use Wilson fermions the bare mass needs to be tuned to the chiral point. For $N=2$ we determine the critical point and present boson and fermion masses in the critical regime.Read More