Title: Monte Carlo Simulation of Free-standing Thin Films under Low Energy Electron Bombardment: Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path (IMFP) Determination Using Elastic Peak of the Transmitted Electrons
Abstract:Abstract: The electron energy spectra of transmitted scattered electrons from free-standing films are simulated using a Monte Carlo computational approach. Elastic scattering is simulated using Mott c...Abstract: The electron energy spectra of transmitted scattered electrons from free-standing films are simulated using a Monte Carlo computational approach. Elastic scattering is simulated using Mott cross-sections and inelastic scattering via discrete processes determined from dielectric function data. This allows one to simulate the secondary electrons as well as the loss peaks near the elastic (zero-loss) peak. The current study suggested a directed approach for determining the electron inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of materials at low primary electron energies. The IMFP of the reference material is not necessary for the suggested technique. The suggested technique uses the ratio between the transmitted elastic peak intensity and the background intensity of backscattered electrons. Free-standing films of Si, Cu, and Au were studied with thicknesses varying from 2 to 12 nm. Primary electron energies of 1, 3, and 5 keV were applied. The results appeared very good, with the percentage error range being between 5% and 25%. We also investigated the proportion of the first and second plasmon peak intensities to the elastic peak intensity. We believe that the latter could provide a directed method of measuring the IMFP of materials. Keywords: Inelastic mean free path, Monte Carlo simulation, Geant4, Free-standing film, Zero-loss peak.Read More