Title: A day in the life of a senior animal technician and technical trainer
Abstract:Kelly Lane is a Senior Animal Technician and Technical Trainer at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) in Melbourne, Australia. Kelly is part of the WEHI Bioservices Team whi...Kelly Lane is a Senior Animal Technician and Technical Trainer at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) in Melbourne, Australia. Kelly is part of the WEHI Bioservices Team which won the inaugural Research Support Award from the Biochemical Society. Kelly and the team of technicians are trained to provide highly regulated animal welfare, to identify a range of phenotypes and illnesses in mice and to perform complex experimental procedures while ensuring animals are treated with compassion and respect. The team works collaboratively with researchers in over 50 laboratories! Kelly gives us an insight into life as an animal technician and trainer within the WEHI.Read More