Title: Research on Audience Needs for Slow-Paced Amusement Shows from the Perspective of Uses and Gratification
Abstract:Up against the impetuous and depressing fast-paced times, slow-paced amusement shows have come into being, which were watched by audiences with healing audio-visual presentations, turning the spiritua...Up against the impetuous and depressing fast-paced times, slow-paced amusement shows have come into being, which were watched by audiences with healing audio-visual presentations, turning the spiritual support for the audience to adjust their emotions and pursue poetic life. As a typical representative of slow-paced amusement shows, Back to Field has been a great success. However, the output of more and more similar programs makes it prominent in homogeneous modeling, leading the audience to lack emotional identity. Therefore, it is necessary to study audience needs. Based on the theory of uses and gratification, this paper takes Back to Field as an example and attempts to find out the trend of younger audiences as well as the reasons for diversified audience contact through the in-depth interview. In the era of audience orientation, it is conducive to grasping their needs, innovating constantly under their guidance, and actively leading their psychology, so as to create new glory in the slow-paced amusement industry and promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement.Read More