Title: Investigating the role of PARP8 and PARP11 in DNA damage repair and cancer
Abstract:The Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase (PARP) family encompasses a diverse group of proteins, many of which have been characterised as playing key roles in DNA damage repair. PARPs such as PARP1 have been sho...The Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase (PARP) family encompasses a diverse group of proteins, many of which have been characterised as playing key roles in DNA damage repair. PARPs such as PARP1 have been shown as efficacious targets for cancer therapy, with several PARP1 inhibitors approved for clinical use in homologous recombination deficient breast and ovarian cancers. However, these cancers readily develop resistance to PARP1 inhibitors and therefore, identifying new therapeutic targets is of significant importance. This thesis investigated the potential roles of two MARTs, PARP8 and PARP11 in DNA damage repair pathways and their potential as novel targets in cancer therapy.Read More