Title: In caliga militari – Ein Krughenkel mit Militärsandale und ein Aureus des Vespasianus für Titus aus der germanischen Großsiedlung von Kostolište im Marchland
Abstract:In caliga militari -A jug handle with military sandal and an aureus of Vespasianus for Titus from the large Germanic settlement of Kostolište in the Marchland region.From the large Germanic settlement...In caliga militari -A jug handle with military sandal and an aureus of Vespasianus for Titus from the large Germanic settlement of Kostolište in the Marchland region.From the large Germanic settlement of Kostolište, about 40 km north of Carnuntum, comes Germanic und Roman pottery, terra sigillata, coins, brooches, fragments of bronze vessels and small nds.It comes from here also the part of a Roman jug with foot handle, representing a military sandal (caliga).e nd is the rst evidence of this type north of the middle Danube.Two production centres are postulated for the jugs with foot handle between Gallia Belgica and Germania inferior as well as in Pannonia during the 2 nd and the rst half of the 3 rd century AD. e decorative attaches of the jugs show either bare or shoed feet, whose symbolic content and possible interpretations are discussed.In the Article is presented also an Aureus from Vespasianus for Titus, only the third documented aureus from the Záhorie region and roman and Germanic bronze brooches from the 1.-3.century AD.Read More