Title: A case of Complex Odontoma Causing Abnormal Eruption by Site of the Maxillary Right Lateral Incisor
Abstract:A complex odontoma was found at the site corresponding to the apical region of the maxillary right deciduous incisor in an 11-year-old girl. This odontoma caused the abnormal eruption by site of the m...A complex odontoma was found at the site corresponding to the apical region of the maxillary right deciduous incisor in an 11-year-old girl. This odontoma caused the abnormal eruption by site of the maxillary right lateral incisor. 1. The diagnosis of a complex odontoma was made histopathologically and scanning electron microscopically. 2. The site of the occurrence of this odontoma was in the maxillary anterior region, which is a rare site for the occurrence of complex odontoma. 3. The maxillary right deciduous lateral incisor was extracted and then the odontoma was enucleated. The application of a sectional arch displaced the maxillary lateral incisor mesially and brough about the eruption of the maxillary right canine. Favorable results have been obtained.Read More