Title: A case report of mantle cell lymphoma with various findings in the gastrointestinal tract
Abstract:A 89-years-old female was complained with anorexia and edema of the lower limb a few months ago and visited a nearby doctor. She was pointed out leukocytosis by blood test. CT examination showed promi...A 89-years-old female was complained with anorexia and edema of the lower limb a few months ago and visited a nearby doctor. She was pointed out leukocytosis by blood test. CT examination showed prominent thickening of the gastric wall. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed multiple lymphomatous polyposis throughout the esophagus, gastric giant folds with redness and erosion in the greater curvature. Colonosocpy showed swelling of the folds with dilated vessels. Pathological findings of gastric biopsy specimens showed diffuse proliferation of atypical lymphocytes in the gastric mucosa, positive for cyclinD1, Bcl-1, CD5. She was diagnosed of mantle cell lymphoma. After 7 courses of R-CHOP therapy, the lesions were improved, however, relapse occurred. She underwent radioisotope treatment by Ibritumomab tiuxetan, and the lesions were sustained. We reported the case of mantle cell lymphoma with various findings in the gastrointestinal tract. Pathological examination of biopsy specimens is necessary for the diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma, even if it has esophageal flat elevated lesions or swelling of gastric and colonic folds.Read More