Title: Projectivity and effective global generation of determinantal line bundles on quiver moduli
Abstract:We give a moduli-theoretic treatment of the existence and properties of moduli spaces of semistable quiver representations, avoiding methods from geometric invariant theory. Using the existence criter...We give a moduli-theoretic treatment of the existence and properties of moduli spaces of semistable quiver representations, avoiding methods from geometric invariant theory. Using the existence criteria of Alper--Halpern-Leistner--Heinloth, we show that for many stability functions, the stack of semistable representations admits an adequate moduli space, and prove that this moduli space is proper over the moduli space of semisimple representations. We construct a natural determinantal line bundle that descends to a semiample line bundle on the moduli space and provide new effective bounds for global generation. For an acyclic quiver, we show that this line bundle is ample, thus giving a modern proof of the fact that the moduli space is projective.Read More