Title: Mutating 3D generative form with co-evolve approach
Abstract:The generative design system is developed with the purpose of generating a large number of design plans.This system can let designers unceasingly explore new design plans.The present generative design...The generative design system is developed with the purpose of generating a large number of design plans.This system can let designers unceasingly explore new design plans.The present generative design system has only one kind of generative mechanism.Therefore, it is not feasible for a designer to explore new plans.In this paper, we propose a Co-Generative Form System (COgenForm).COgenForm is a 3D form exploration system that invokes two sest of generative mechanisms.This system uses coevolutional characteristics to build the steps and framework of the cogenerative design process.It includes two groups of generative mechanisms which will evolve with each other.Using this system, the form exploration and generation process can be more dynamic and with more alternatives.Read More