Title: A regulatory region responsible for proline-specific induction of the yeast PUT2 gene is adjacent to its TATA box.
Abstract:Deletion analysis of the promoter of the PUT2 gene that functions in the proline utilization pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae identified a PUT2 upstream activation site (UAS). It is contained withi...Deletion analysis of the promoter of the PUT2 gene that functions in the proline utilization pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae identified a PUT2 upstream activation site (UAS). It is contained within a single 40-base-pair (bp) region located immediately upstream of the TATA box and is both necessary and sufficient for proline induction. When placed upstream of a CYC7-lacZ gene fusion, the 40-bp sequence conferred proline regulation on CYC7-lacZ. A 35-bp deletion within the PUT2 UAS in an otherwise intact PUT2 promoter resulted in noninducible expression of a PUT2-lacZ gene fusion. When a plasmid bearing this UAS-deleted promoter was placed in a strain carrying a constitutive mutation in the positive regulatory gene PUT3, expression of PUT2-lacZ was not constitutive but occurred at levels below those found under noninducing conditions. In heterologous as well as homologous gene fusions, the PUT2 UAS appeared to be responsible for uninduced as well as proline-induced levels of expression. Although located immediately adjacent to the PUT2 UAS, the TATA box did not appear to play a regulatory role, as indicated by the results of experiments in which it was replaced by the CYC7 TATA box. A 26-bp sequence containing this TATA box was critical to the expression of PUT2, since a deletion of this region completely abolished transcriptional activity of the gene under both inducing and noninducing conditions. Our results indicate that the PUT2 promoter has a comparatively simple structure, requiring UAS and TATA sequences as well as the PUT3 gene product (directly or indirectly) for its expression.Read More