Title: New Carbazole Alkaloids from Murraya euchrestifolia.
Abstract:Two new monomeric and one dimeric carbazole alkaloids were isolated from root bark of Murraya euchrestifolia HAYATA collected in Taiwan. Their structures were elucidated by spectrometric and synthetic...Two new monomeric and one dimeric carbazole alkaloids were isolated from root bark of Murraya euchrestifolia HAYATA collected in Taiwan. Their structures were elucidated by spectrometric and synthetic studies. The structures of the monomeric carbazoles were assigned as 3-formyl-7-hydroxy-9H-carbazole (1) and N-methoxy-3-hydroxymethyl-9H-carbazole (2). The dimeric carbazole, named chrstifoline-D (9), was found to be identical with the oxidation product of bismurrayafoline-A (10).Read More