Title: New carbazole alkaloids from Murraya euchrestifolia.
Abstract:Three new monomeric carbazole alkaloids, 3-formylcarbazole (1), N-methoxy-3-formyl-carbazole (2), and pyrayaquinone-C (3), and two new binary carbazoles, murrafoline-E (4) and murrafoline-F (5), were ...Three new monomeric carbazole alkaloids, 3-formylcarbazole (1), N-methoxy-3-formyl-carbazole (2), and pyrayaquinone-C (3), and two new binary carbazoles, murrafoline-E (4) and murrafoline-F (5), were isolated from root bark of Murraya euchrestifolia HAYATA (Rutaceae) collected in Taiwan, and their structures were elucidated.Read More