Title: McGregor Brothers' wholesale price list of plants for florists for Janurary, February and March, 1896
Abstract:A beautiful plant with re- curved graceful foliage, which attains a growth of about three feet.The leaves are dark green, beautifully- marked with broad stripes and bands of creamy-white color.Price, ...A beautiful plant with re- curved graceful foliage, which attains a growth of about three feet.The leaves are dark green, beautifully- marked with broad stripes and bands of creamy-white color.Price, four inch pots.$1 per dozen; two-and-a-half inch pots, 50 cents per dozen; $4 per hundred.Anthericum Picturatum.A beautiful plant with recurved foliage, which makes a handsome pot plant, and is also useful for vases.The leaves are dark green /beauti- fully marked with broad stripes and bands of a creamywhite color, bears large spikes of white flowers.Price, 4 inch pots, $1.50 per dozen; two-and-a-half inch pots, 75 cents per dozen: $5 per hundred. Ageratums.A good selection, containing the following sorts : John Douglas-Dwarf,blue, very compact.Cope's Pet-A valuable new dwarf variety, producing bright blue flowers.White Cap-New.It is, without doubt, th n best white variety ever introduced.Variegatum-Beautiful variegated leaves.The Hayflower-New ; dark blue.Fine for carpet bedding.Read More