Title: Active dispersal is differentially affected by inter‐ and intraspecific competition in closely related nematode species
Abstract:De Meester, N., Derycke, S., Rigaux, A. and Moens, T. 2016. Active dispersal is differentially affected by inter- and intraspecific competition in closely related nematode species. – Oikos 124: 561–57...De Meester, N., Derycke, S., Rigaux, A. and Moens, T. 2016. Active dispersal is differentially affected by inter- and intraspecific competition in closely related nematode species. – Oikos 124: 561–570. Figure 1: labels on y-axis are corrected Time-averaged assemblage compositions (relative abundances of the four cryptic species of Litoditis marina) in the current experiment (‘inoculation’ and ‘dispersal’ for resp. both plates of the dispersal plate) and the experiment of De Meester et al. (2011, no dispersal treatment) at two different salinities (15 and 25) (n = 24).Read More