Title: Effect of Rates and Methods of N Application on Growth, Fruit Yield and Mineral Content of Manzanillo Olive Trees
Abstract:THE EFFECT of rates and methods of N application on growth …… and fruit yield, as well as the mineral content of Manzanillo olive trees, was investigated during two successive seasons 2008/2009 and 20...THE EFFECT of rates and methods of N application on growth …… and fruit yield, as well as the mineral content of Manzanillo olive trees, was investigated during two successive seasons 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. This study was carried out at Siwa Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt between longitude 25°33′ and 35°81′ E and latitudes 29°10′ and 37°82′ N. Nitrogen fertilizer rates and application methods included of; 1) average recommended doses of soil application of 800g N/tree, 2) foliar 1% urea alone, 3) foliar 1% urea + 100% of soil N dose, 4) foliar 1% urea + 75% of soil N, 5) foliar 1% urea + 50% of soil N, 6) foliar 3% urea alone, 7) foliar 3% urea + 100% of soil N dose, 8) foliar 3% urea + 75% of soil N, and 9) foliar 3% urea + 50% of soil N, beside control treatment (without N).Read More