Title: Sylva; or, A discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber in His Majesties dominions. As it was deliver'd in the Royal Society, the XVth of October, CI)I)CLXII ... To which is annexed, Pomona; or, An appendix concerning fruit-trees in relation to cider, the making and several ways of ordering it
Abstract:Of the Oak, .r; 4 (y/^e £/z».16 5 Of^Ae 5eef^.20 6 OftheAp.22 7 Of the chef-mt.24 8 Of the Wall-nnt.25 ^9 Of the Service.28 -10 OftheAIaple.28 II of the Sycamore.29 12 of the Horn-beam.29 13 of the Li...Of the Oak, .r; 4 (y/^e £/z».16 5 Of^Ae 5eef^.20 6 OftheAp.22 7 Of the chef-mt.24 8 Of the Wall-nnt.25 ^9 Of the Service.28 -10 OftheAIaple.28 II of the Sycamore.29 12 of the Horn-beam.29 13 of the Lime-tree.' 30 14 of the ^ick-heam.31Read More