Title: A rare case of plasmacytoma of mandible revealing plasma cell myeloma
Abstract:Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant proliferation of plasma cells with multiple foci. Plasmacytoma is a solitary plasma cell neoplasm involving a single bone. The most commonly involved bone is verte...Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant proliferation of plasma cells with multiple foci. Plasmacytoma is a solitary plasma cell neoplasm involving a single bone. The most commonly involved bone is vertebra. Jaw bones are rarely involved as a first bone as they have lesser hematopoietic marrow. A solitary plasmacytoma may progress to multiple myeloma within few months to year. We present a case of a swelling of mandible that on further investigations confirmed the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. We have discussed the course of treatment given and its prognosis. Keywords: multiple myeloma; plasmacytoma of jaw; bence jones Protein; abnormal plasma cells; CD138.Read More