Title: Two New Shallow-water Mysids of the Genus Heteromysis (Crustacea : Mysidacea) from a Submarine Cave of Christmas Island, Eastern Indian Ocean
Abstract:Two new species of the shallow-water mysid genus Heteromysis (Crustacea : Mysidacea) are reported from a submarine cave on Christmas Island, eastern Indian Ocean. Heteromysis dentata sp. nov. is chara...Two new species of the shallow-water mysid genus Heteromysis (Crustacea : Mysidacea) are reported from a submarine cave on Christmas Island, eastern Indian Ocean. Heteromysis dentata sp. nov. is characterized by eyes without ocular processes, the telson with lateral spines along its distal half, the posteromedian cleft of the telson with spinules along its entire margin, and the four posterior thoracic endopods each with a seven-segmented carpopropodus. Heteromysis longiloba sp. nov. is characterized by eyes without ocular processes, the telson with lateral spines along slightly more than its posterior half, the posteromedian telson cleft with spinules only along its anterior margin, and the inward-curving endopods of the uropods bearing 12 mesial spines. The Indo-Pacific species of Heteromysis are briefly reviewed.Read More