Title: Descriptions of five new species of Haplostylus (Mysidacea-Crustacea) from South West Australia
Abstract:Five new species, Haplostylus flagelliforma sp. nov., H.similis sp. nov., H.multispinosus sp. nov., H.uthupus sp. nov. and H.dispar sp. nov., are described from the south-west coast of Australia. Thes...Five new species, Haplostylus flagelliforma sp. nov., H.similis sp. nov., H.multispinosus sp. nov., H.uthupus sp. nov. and H.dispar sp. nov., are described from the south-west coast of Australia. These new species are distinguishable from each other and from the other allied species by the structure of the pleopods of the male, and by the armature of the telson and the uropods.Read More