Title: Song Geng (ed), Quanqiuhua yu “Zhongguoxing” – Dangdai wenhua de houzhimin jiedu (Globalization and “Chineseness”: Postcolonial readings of contemporary culture)
Abstract:This collaborative work gathers fourteen articles written by Chinese academics and/or young researchers spread throughout China, the United States, Hong Kong, Macao, England and Australia. As the frui...This collaborative work gathers fourteen articles written by Chinese academics and/or young researchers spread throughout China, the United States, Hong Kong, Macao, England and Australia. As the fruit of a “global” collaboration, it projects an image of the subject at hand. These cultural studies cover areas as varied as cinema, tourism, literary criticism, media, advertising, and the internet. A diversity of themes complements this interdisciplinary approach, involving politics, economy, in...Read More