Title: Blended Learning as an Effective form of Training of Future Doctors in the Conditions of COVID-19
Abstract:The article is devoted to the issue of using blended learning as a modern pedagogical technology in the context of COVID-19. Blended learning is considered as a purposeful process of interaction betwe...The article is devoted to the issue of using blended learning as a modern pedagogical technology in the context of COVID-19. Blended learning is considered as a purposeful process of interaction between learning subjects, which combines traditional and distance learning models. This process takes place in the classroom and outside it, in synchronous and asynchronous modes, based on the widespread use of ICT (O. Korotun). The article points out the advantages and disadvantages of blended learning. The functions and principles of blended learning are considered. Methods and means of organizing training on this technology are listed. The experience of introducing blended learning into the educational process of higher medical education institutions indicates that this technology has great prospects not only during the pandemic and can be used on an ongoing basis.Read More