Title: Asynchronous group learning in learn from the learner approach
Abstract:Learning with the learner in an asynchronous group learning approach is a promising method of education that provides a rich, interactive, and socially mediated education. As online learning became mo...Learning with the learner in an asynchronous group learning approach is a promising method of education that provides a rich, interactive, and socially mediated education. As online learning became more prevalent, and more users are adopting this approach, innovative and theory-based educational activities became necessary. In this article, we introduce and describe a novel form of asynchronous, interactive, and socializing educational activity using educational technology. The educational session is based on a small group learning activity that is made available for all learners anywhere and anytime. The approach avoids the trap of using educational technology for mere simulation of in-person learning. Based on learning theories, learning with the learner enhances interactive, self-directed, experiential, and social learning. Future development and enhancement with ongoing discussions through online chat platforms open the door for the continuous evolution of the concept.Read More