Title: Book Review - László Erdős: Green Heroes. From Buddha to Leonardo DiCaprio. Springer. e-book: ISBN 978-3-03031806-2, 21,39 €. Hardcover: ISBN 978-3-030-318055
Abstract:The 13 th EDGG Field Workshop was conducted from the 26 June to 6 July 2019 in Armenia.The Field Workshop had two main aims: (a) to analyse the biodiversity patterns of the Armenian grasslands across ...The 13 th EDGG Field Workshop was conducted from the 26 June to 6 July 2019 in Armenia.The Field Workshop had two main aims: (a) to analyse the biodiversity patterns of the Armenian grasslands across multiple taxonomic groups and grain sizes, and (b) to study the syntaxonomic position of these grasslands in a general European context.We conducted our sampling in 16 sites that ensured good geographical coverage across the country.In total, we sampled 29 EDGG Biodiversity Plots (nested-plot series of 0.0001 to 100 m²) and 53 additional 10-m 2 plots.Data of orthopteroid insects (Orthoptera and Mantodea) were recorded in 42 100-m² plots.We found mean total species richness values of the vegetation of 7.5 species in 0.01 m², 31.9 species in 1 m² and 51.3 species in 10 m².The richest grasslands for vascular plants were meso-xeric grasslands with up to 35 species in 0.1 m² and 80 in 10 m².Maximum orthopteroid richness in 100 m² was 14. Syntaxonomically, the majority of stands appear to belong to the class Festuco-Brometea, with the orders Brachypodietalia pinnati (meso-xeric), Festucetalia valesiacae (xeric, non-rocky) and an unknown order of rocky dry grasslands.By contrast, the thorn-cushion communities (probably Onobrychidetea cornutae), the scree communities and the dry grasslands of lower elevations rich in annuals and chamaephytes (probably largely Astragalo-Brometea), do not fit to any vegetation class described in Europe.We found two species new to Armenia -the moss Syntrichia papillosissima and the lichen Aspicilia hispida.Read More