Title: Impact of adopting HRIS on three tiers of HRM: Evidence from developing economy
Abstract:In information based economies, cross-sectional studies are needed to uncover missing linkage between Human Resource Management and Information Technology. Consequently Human Resource (HR) researchers...In information based economies, cross-sectional studies are needed to uncover missing linkage between Human Resource Management and Information Technology. Consequently Human Resource (HR) researchers and managers need to rethink about achieving organizational objectives with and through the people added by modernized technology in this information age. The main objective of this study is to identify the contribution of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) adoption impact on three tiers i.e. Operational, Functional and Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM). Findings show that that HRIS adoption significantly impacts HRM Operational Processes and moderately facilitates its Functional Processes and provides insignificant support for Strategic HRM Processes.Read More