Title: Abbott's Parker Through Truss Bridge, Spanning Sandusky River at Abbott Road (Pleasant Township), Tiffin, Seneca County, OH
Abstract:Significance: This bridge is a typical example of a Parker through truss and is the last bridge to be built in Seneca County by Massillon Bridge Company. The bridge is an example of a truss configurat...Significance: This bridge is a typical example of a Parker through truss and is the last bridge to be built in Seneca County by Massillon Bridge Company. The bridge is an example of a truss configuration developed for intermediate spans of 170-220 feet, and represents a product of one of Ohio's many prolific bridge building companies. These companies specialized in prefabricated metal truss bridge construction in the last quarter of the 19th century. The bridge is listed by the Ohio Department of Transportation in its inventory evaluation and historical plan, and the county government has asked for federal funding to assist in replacing the bridge.
Survey number: HAER OH-48
Building/structure dates: 1897 Initial ConstructionRead More
Publication Year: 1969
Publication Date: 1969-01-01
Language: en
Type: book-chapter
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