Title: Symbolics of colour in the painting of Ukrainian symbolist artists of the early 20th century
Abstract:The article is devoted to the analysis of the symbolics of colour in the paintings of Ukrainian symbolist artists of the early 20th century.The problem posed was studied using the example of the work ...The article is devoted to the analysis of the symbolics of colour in the paintings of Ukrainian symbolist artists of the early 20th century.The problem posed was studied using the example of the work of Yukhim Mikhailov and Mikhail Sapozhnikov, the largest number of whose works were painted in the spirit of symbolism.The study used art historical methods -iconographic, iconological, semiotic, as well as general scientific methods -description, analysis, comparison, generalization.In the process of work, the principles underlying the creation of an artistic image by symbolist artists were studied.The role of colour as a symbol in painting is determined.The characteristic features inherent in the Ukrainian symbolism of the beginning of the 20th century are highlighted, its symbolic and colouristic features are determined.It was noted that the works of Ukrainian artists are filled with a deep philosophical meaning, which does not lie on the surface, but opens layer after layer with a long and careful examination.At the same time, it was found that the colouristic features of the paintings help the authors in conveying the meaning, idea, plot of the picture.It was revealed that the colouring of the paintings of the Ukrainian symbolists is the main psychological and emotional component of the artistic image.It was found that the colouration of the paintings is inherent in conventionality, decorativeness, the use of unnaturalistic colour solutions.It has been established that one of the features used by Ukrainian symbolist artists was synesthesia -a combination of picturesqueness, musicality, lyric poetry in one work.In the process of analysis, we found that the era of revolutions and global cultural changes brought new meanings into the symbolics of colour, the reflection of which we see in the paintings of Ukrainian symbolist artists of the early 20th century.Read More