Title: Integrable optics design principles for beam halo suppression in accelerator rings at the intensity frontier (CRADA FRA-2015-0010 Final Summary Report)
Abstract:RadiaSoft LLC is collaborating with Fermilab to fundamentally advance the field of particle accelerator design, in order to reduce cost and technical risk for next-generation hadron accelerators, and ...RadiaSoft LLC is collaborating with Fermilab to fundamentally advance the field of particle accelerator design, in order to reduce cost and technical risk for next-generation hadron accelerators, and to more rapidly advance the intensity frontier of high energy physics. The Fermilab PI is one of the originators of the theory of integrable nonlinear magnetic lattices. Fermilab is the only laboratory in the world pursuing the experimental verification of the theory. Transferring Fermilab expertise to RadiaSoft LLC will enhance US competitiveness by enabling US industry to engage in the design of future high intensity hadron rings for spallation sources, neutrino sources, muon sources, subcritical nuclear reactors and waste transmutation facilities.Read More