Title: Accelerator R&D at Fermilab’s FAST/IOTA for Future High Intensity Proton Accelerators
Abstract:The physics programs of future hadron accelerators require larger beam current and power than existing facilities can provide. New facilities are being designed and existing accelerators up- graded in...The physics programs of future hadron accelerators require larger beam current and power than existing facilities can provide. New facilities are being designed and existing accelerators up- graded in order to meet this demand. A significant impedement for such high intensity accel- erators is beam loss, which both damages the activates accelerator components. Losses must therefore be minimized, and the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology (FAST) facility team is building a storage ring, the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA), to investigate ac- celerator technology for the next generation of particle accelerators. IOTA will host a variety of experiments with the goal of better understanding and controlling space charge effects and incoherent instabilities, while developing techniques to minimize beam loss.Read More