Title: Translation Strategies of The Strange Days Under Skopos Theory
Abstract:Sven Birkerts (1951-) is an American essayist. His essay The Strange Days is well received by readers. In the context of globalization, literary translation is an important part of cultural exchanges....Sven Birkerts (1951-) is an American essayist. His essay The Strange Days is well received by readers. In the context of globalization, literary translation is an important part of cultural exchanges. The Skopos Theory is the theory that applies the Skopos concept to translation. The core concept of Skopos Theory is that translation strategies and methods are determined by the purpose of translation. In the process of translation, the translator should follow three principles, namely, skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. The translation of literary texts coincides with the idea of Skopos Theory. This paper analyzes the advantages of Skopos Theory in the selection of translation strategies for the translation of The Strange Days from the perspective of the principle of skopos, coherence and fidelity.Read More