Title: A Comprehensive Study on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Abstract:Transportation or transport sector is a legal source to take or carry things from one place to another. With the passage of time, transportation faces many issues like high accidents rate, traffic con...Transportation or transport sector is a legal source to take or carry things from one place to another. With the passage of time, transportation faces many issues like high accidents rate, traffic congestion, traffic & carbon emissions air pollution, etc. In some cases, transportation sector faced alleviating the brutality of crash related injuries in accident. Due to such complexity, researchers integrate virtual technologies with transportation which known as Intelligent Transport System. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) provide transport solutions by utilizing state-of-the-art information and telecommunications technologies. It is an integrated system of people, roads and vehicles, designed to significantly contribute to improve road safety, efficiency and comfort, as well as environmental conservation through realization of smoother traffic by relieving traffic congestion. This paper aims to elucidate various aspects of ITS - it's need, the various user applications, technologies utilized and concludes by emphasizing the case study of IBM ITS.Read More