Title: Intelligent Transport Systems Challenges and achievements
Abstract:With the increase in the number of vehicles in megacities, the problem of average traffic speed and traffic congestion is acute the problem of average traffic speed and traffic congestion is becoming ...With the increase in the number of vehicles in megacities, the problem of average traffic speed and traffic congestion is acute the problem of average traffic speed and traffic congestion is becoming acute. Many of the world's cities have been stuck in traffic jams for years, but only a handful of them have been able to to untie this traffic jam. It is not always possible to build a new road or widen an existing highway, so it is necessary to solve the problem of traffic congestion with the help of modern technologies. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a system that uses innovative developments in modeling transportation systems and traffic flow regulation. Intelligent transportation systems help to solve the issue of traffic congestion through effective management of traffic light facilities, means of regulation and monitoring of road traffic, systems for informing road users about the situation on the roads. The development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is becoming one of the most important tools for increasing the competitiveness of the transportation complex and the economy as a whole. Today it is the technologies of transportation processes are becoming the main tool in increasing efficiency of the transportation complex.Read More