Title: Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving Non-linear Equations Using Manual Computation
Abstract:This paper aims at comparing the performance in relation to the rate of convergence of five numerical methods namely, the Bisection method, Newton Raphson method, Regula Falsi method, Secant method, a...This paper aims at comparing the performance in relation to the rate of convergence of five numerical methods namely, the Bisection method, Newton Raphson method, Regula Falsi method, Secant method, and Fixed Point Iteration method. A manual computational algorithm is developed for each of the methods and each one of them is employed to solve a root - finding problem manually with the help of an TI - inspire instrument. The outcome of the computations showed that all methods converged to an exact root of 1.56155, however the Bisection method converged at the 14th iteration, Fixed Point Iterative Method converged at 7th iteration, Secant method converged at the 5th iteration and Regula Falsi and Newton Raphson methods converged at the 2nd iteration, suggesting that Newton Raphson and Regula Falsi methods are more efficient in computing the roots of a nonlinear quadratic equation.Read More