Title: Büveyhî Hânedânı nın Menkıbevî Kuruluşu ve Tarihi Arka Planı
Abstract:The Buwayhid Dynasty, who had dominated a major part of Iran and Iraq towards the middle of the 4/10th century, represents an important part of the disunionist political structures in the Caliphate te...The Buwayhid Dynasty, who had dominated a major part of Iran and Iraq towards the middle of the 4/10th century, represents an important part of the disunionist political structures in the Caliphate territory.It is understood that they adopted Zaydî Shiî Islam at the beginning of the 4/10th century, thanks to Hasan al-Utrush's 13 years of activities in Deylem region.It's also accepted that they were speaking the north-western variety of Persian language.As regards to the characteristics of Dailamites, to whom Buwayhids belonged, they were such fearless, firm, undersized, hirtellous, adjacent eyebrows, hasty, disregardful, a bit slabby people.However, they wore exactly in the same way as the Tabaristani people, and were armed with a sword and a coloured shield, and were carrying three small javelins (zûbînât).As mercenaries, the Dailamites had served as infantry units in various armies.They practiced endogamy within their tribes, and their pre-wedding rituals witness some weird customs; for instance, the groom stayed in the bride's house for three days.Historical sources of the period drew attention to the extravagance of the Dailamite's lamenting over their dead.Meanwhile they put off the head covers and hit their faces and lay their beards on the funeral host.They were patriarchal society, and a widow, after her husband's death, will never remarry, otherwise she would be belittled before her clan.Read More