Title: Mulheres engravatadas: moda e comportamento feminino no Brasil, 1851-1911
Abstract:This research focuses on both the advertisement and actual wearing of pieces commonly related to men's clothing by women in Brazil ranging from 1851 to 1911.Starting from publications of the period fo...This research focuses on both the advertisement and actual wearing of pieces commonly related to men's clothing by women in Brazil ranging from 1851 to 1911.Starting from publications of the period focused on new fashion trends and photographs the research was able to find evidence of such fashion trends in the country.Reflections were made on limiting which women were able to wear such fashion trends and in which contexts they were allowed to.Coat, vests, ties and trousers constitute privileged artifacts for a deeper comprehension on the significances surrounding them and the impacts they have caused on bodily and social dynamics that resulted from them.Read More