Title: The effect of fiber length distribution of fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites injection-molded on the mechanical properties
Abstract:Recently, in the automobile industry, there is urgent need to reduce the weight of the car body in order to reduce CO2, and efforts to replace steel structure with resin structure are accelerating. In...Recently, in the automobile industry, there is urgent need to reduce the weight of the car body in order to reduce CO2, and efforts to replace steel structure with resin structure are accelerating. In addition, since the used resin materials are required to have performance in such areas as high rigidity, high strength, impact resistance, etc., generally, fiber reinforced composite materials using glass fiber, carbon fiber, etc. are widely applied. Currently, we are paying attention to injection molding technology using long fiber pellets which are the most productive and are inexpensive in manufacturing cost among fiber composite materials technologies. However, the problem of injection molded articles using long fiber pelletsisthattheremaining fiber length of the final molded article is greatly reduced as compared withthefiberlengthinthe pellet state due to the flow resistance during molding, and the physical properties of the material are deteriorated. Therefore, in this study, in the injection molding of long fiber pellets of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene and carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene, the effect of remaining fiber length on mechanical properties and the optimum remaining fiber length were investigated.Read More