Title: Shifting Paradigms of Research in English Studies in India
Abstract:English Studies in India has undergone significant changes, leading to a shift in
 research paradigms. Right through the British colonial period of nearly two hundred
 years English literatu...English Studies in India has undergone significant changes, leading to a shift in
 research paradigms. Right through the British colonial period of nearly two hundred
 years English literature and language were used as important instruments of political
 domination and acculturation. Even after the British colonialism ended the dominance
 of English continued in all spheres of life. English has become the language of the
 privileged class and studying English literature a symbol of prestige. However, in its
 quest for relevance, English Studies had to incorporate new areas of knowledge under
 its purview. Literary theory made a big splash in English Studies and changed the way
 of approaching and assessing literature. English Studies also saw rigorous debates
 about the relationship between English Literature and ELT and different approaches
 in their pedagogy. Then, postcolonial literature and theory made its impact felt in
 the field. Two other domains that have enriched the field of English Studies are
 Comparative literature and Translation Studies. English writings emanating from India
 grew in plenitude and self-assurance and the language itself underwent substantial
 change to acquire its distinct Indian characteristics. Literatures produced in 24 Indian
 languages are being copiously translated into English and researches in English
 studies are happening at this contact zone of creative literature in English and literature
 available in English translation.Read More